To all my beautiful sisters…

These thoughts have been swirling in my head for days, yet I have struggled to get them into writing. I’ve tried. Several versions have been deleted. I don’t know why this topic is so hard to share.

Recently, I attended a social event. Women of various ages, styles, and statuses were present. Instead of judgment or feelings of inferiority, I wonder if there is a way for women to support women. I have been like all of those women at different seasons of my life. 

For too long, society has defined what is valuable, beautiful, and acceptable. I personally appreciate Dove’s real beauty campaign, yet I know that in order to shift the narrative, we women must support each other.

Some of my friends love to dress up, look stylish, and follow all of the latest fashion trends. I know women who use Botox and have had surgeries to enhance or reduce their bodies. To those that love it and do it out of enjoyment, I want to tell you that I support you. I see your efforts, and you are beautiful. 

Other friends feel as though they cannot leave the house without makeup or looking perfect. Whether she is 60-something or 20-something, the idea that a woman feels unacceptable without “putting on her face” breaks my heart. To those women, I want to tell you that you are beautiful and accepted just as you are.

I also have friends who enjoy sweats, showing up with just-showered hair, and no makeup. They are comfortable in their own skin and don’t really enjoy all the extra. To those, I want to tell you that I appreciate you and your beauty. 

As a woman, I want to do a better job of supporting other women in whatever form they choose to show up, while also accepting myself in whatever form I choose to show up. And, to all my beautiful sisters, I would like to say, “Remember you are beautiful and there are women who love and support all versions and seasons of you.”