The Hidden Treasure of Joy

Fall is my favorite season, and recently,  I took advantage of the beautiful weather to enjoy a walk during my lunch break. The sun bent down to kiss my face, and the trees waved in greeting as I passed by. A smile spread through me as the wind gently caressed my hair. I basked in the beautiful moment of pure, simple joy. 

The magic of childlike wonder

These moments of joy are like treasures scattered along life’s journey. I found another one while sitting at a volleyball game, watching my grandson giggle at his papa making a silly noises. Delighted by his laughter, his papa repeated the noise, turning a small giggle into an infectious belly laugh. They were lost in the moment of shared joy.

Another treasure came during our town’s celebration, where I volunteered at a bubble party. The joy radiating from the children was mesmerizing as they danced and played in a sea of bubbles. Giant wands dipped into pools of soapy water released iridescent spheres that floated through the air. The children’s faces beamed like rays of sunlight, caught up in the sheer magic of the moment, with no other care in the world. They had found the treasure of joy.

Seeing beyond the chaos

Reflecting on the scene, my dear friend mentioned that as a young mom, she would have been upset with the mess the bubbles created. “Me, too,” I admitted. Back then, I would have only seen the soapy clothes, ruined shoes, and cleanup it required. I would have missed the joy in the chaos. As I looked around, I saw some parents, like my younger self, focused on the inconvenience rather than the joy on their children’s faces. Others were fully present, savoring the joy of the fleeting moment.

Joy is simple, yet it’s easy to overlook or rush past. It often arrives in a moment, and then, just as quickly, it’s gone. While joy is a treasure, it is not always valued as such. I’m reminded of Ferris Bueller’s words in the 1986 movie, “ Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.“ I don’t want to miss the magic in the moments of joy. 

So, let’s slow down and savor these treasures hidden in the everyday. Let each day be a treasure hunt, searching for the simple joys that make life truly beautiful.  

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