August: A month of hope and renewal

August holds special significance for me. It’s my birth month, a time I love to celebrate. It’s when my life began. But there’s more to it. Eight years ago, in August, I found a renewed will to live. Instead of ending my life, I discovered hope and a new way of living. 

Finding Hope in August

During a recent morning reading, I came across this quote: “We have been given the gift of life. We are survivors. The odds against survival in our past make clear we have yet a job to do and are being given the help to do it.” This reminded me that the life that was given back to me 8 years ago was for a purpose. My story wasn’t over; it needed a semicolon rather, not a period.

Rebirth, renewal, regeneration, rejuvenation, reinvention, and recovery –all these words suggest the idea of beginning again, something new and improved. Not everyone reaches the point of suicidal darkness to realize that he or she is ready for a new start. Often, this realization comes with the New Year. Sometimes, a new week on Monday feels like a fresh start. A new job, home, baby, or relationship can also spark the chance for reinvention. 

Embracing Fresh Starts

No matter the reason, we all benefit from remembering our purpose. Reflecting on the past 8 years, I am grateful for the gifts of purpose I’ve found. This year, I will welcome two new grandbabies into this world. I’ve written this column, shared messages in the pulpit, and offered my experience, strength, and hope in a variety of ways. I’ve served my community through the Chamber and the renovation of the theater, and I’ve traveled to the southern hemisphere. The greatest gift is that I have loved and been loved. 

August is significant for me. As a former teacher, it marked the start of a new school year, filled with the anticipation of meeting new students and starting new lessons. It’s a wonderful reminder that we can always begin again. Fresh starts, hope, a new way of living, and purpose  are always within reach. I’m grateful to know there’s more to my story.